While we enjoyed our summer dessert, my kids and I discussed
some traditional summer activities that we have already enjoyed. Pamela is
thoroughly enjoying her first foray into swimming lessons while Joseph had a
wonderful time experiencing camp for the first time earlier this month.
Joseph, 9, who is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, wheat,
milk, egg, soy, sesame and mustard, along with having asthma, was thrilled to
attend a Lego
Mindstorm Robotics camp near our home. He had not expressed an interest in
attending camp before. After all, he is busy with tennis, indoor lacrosse and
other activities to keep him busy. But when he heard he could spend a week
building a Lego robot and learning to program it, his desire to attend camp skyrocketed.
I couldn't have asked for a better inaugural camp experience
for my son. I knew that because the program went from 9 a.m. to noon each day, the
chance for food issues would be lower. I first consulted the camp website where
the camp organizer listed the schedule for each day and I loved on many levels
that he was so organized. When I emailed him, he confirmed my assumption when I
saw no snack time listed on the schedule, that there would be no food at the
camp. Joseph was thrilled that he would be able to attend a fun camp and not
worry about being around unsafe food.
I sent Joseph's allergy action plan, along with a sheet
explaining how
to use an EpiPen when I sent in his registration. I also talked to the camp
organizer before the week started and asked if I could bring a box of wipes for
the campers to wipe their hands off. He completely understood my desire to ensure
that the campers didn't have any allergens left on their hands from breakfast
or a snack they had munched on in the car on the way to camp before touching
the same Lego pieces and computer as Joseph. He had no problem putting the
wipes at the door and reminding all of the kids to wipe their hands each day when
we signed our campers in. Putting out wipes might seem like a small action, but
I was so thankful that they took me seriously and ensured the wipes were used.
That has not always been the response I have received, even when food has been
present. So I am extra appreciative of their efforts.
When we arrived for the first day of camp, I was thrilled
that the teen running the camp and his mom were conscientious about Joseph's
allergies and the medication pack he carries. The 18-year-old girl who was
helping with the camp told me that she too has food allergies and was well
versed in how to use an EpiPen. I felt like her being there was just a little
extra bonus in making me feel good about my son's well being while at the camp.
Joseph had an amazing week working with other kids to build
and program their team's robot, Lightning Bot. He was so proud when his team
even won the competition on the final day of camp. I was thrilled that he was
able to experience such an enjoyable, enriching week without worrying about his
I'm happy that, as summer officially begins, my family has
already stirred up some traditional summer fun and yummy treats.
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